Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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General information concerning the German language courses offered by the Sprachenzentrum at the MLU

The MLU Sprachenzentrum offers German courses at all levels and across a variety of subject areas and supports the Common European Framework for Languages (A1.1 - C2).

All German class at the MLU Sprachenzentrum are free.


Our courses are offered in the classrooms of the MLU Sprachenzentrum in the August-Bebel-Str. 13C near the Universitätsring.

Course Content

Course Content is aimed at the requirements of daily communication, as well as, student life and, depending on course level, the oral communication requirements of seminars and lectures offered at the university.

Phonetic Training

We also offer Phonetic Training courses (2 SWS) to help German learners, which are a considerable help for improving speaking skills, every semester.


Our courses are open to all MLU students, regardless of their area of study, full-time or exchange student status, PhD students, as well as, academic staff and those employed by qualifying scientific institutions.


Registration for a first time Sprachenzentrum German course is done simply by e-mailing the appropriate instructor in either German or English.  Those who have already successfully completed a Sprachenzentrum German course can sign up directly for a subsequent class using the Stud.IP system.

Course context

All of the MLU Sprachenzentrum's German courses take place during the normal academic winter and summer semesters and times, and are 4 SWS each.

Placement tests

Placement tests are a requirement to take part in our courses and are offered at the beginning of each semester.  The test dates are posted on our website in a timely fashion.  Later testing dates can be made available should students or researchers arrive in Halle after the semester begins.  A language certificate such as TestDaF, DSH and Goethe-Institut certificate, can be used for an initial determination of an applications language level, but a placement test will still be obligatory.

All course dates and times for the following semester will be posted at the end of the previous on the MLU Sprachenzentrum's website.

Number of participants

The maximum number of participants for our German courses is set at 16 but can be raised to 20 if the need arises. A lottery system is used when there is a very high number of applicants.

Course material

The Sprachenzentrum's German courses, regardless of level, rely on course and work books. These books must be purchased by the students. The students will be advised about which book they need at the beginning of the course.


Written and oral examination for the German courses take place in the last week of the semester. A certificate of accomplishment is issued at the end of each course which indicate the number of class and work hours involved in the course, the course level, grade achieved, and the 5 ECTS (if applicable). Attendance at the 65 course hours, as well as, the 150 total work hours set out by each course, is necessary for participation in the Sprachenzentrum's German courses.  Corresponding self-study and homework assignments are given in each German course every week.

Transcript of Records:

Because Erasmus students normally need a confirmation of their course work and performance at the end of the semester, please hand in your Transcript of Records in a timely fashion so that we can fill it out for your university before you return home.


The MLU Sprachenzentrum does not offer any DSH or TestDaF preparation courses.  If you plan on studying at the MLU and would like to take the DSH or TestDaF test, please contact the International Office or the MLU Studenkolleg for more information.
